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*SPECIAL OFFER: Come back for a return visit during the same pregnancy and receive $50 off the price of our Platinum Package or our Platinum Share Package. With this discount you only pay $99 for a Platinum Package or $149 for a Platinum Share Package. Not Valid with any other discount or promotional packages.
3030 Scott Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
(650) 625-1337
We are located right off the 101 Freeway at the San Tomas Expressway
From the 101 North: Take the San Tomas Expressway and Turn Left on Scott Blvd. We are
two blocks down, on your right hand side.
From the 101 South: Take the San Tomas Expressway. Turn Left on Scott Blvd. We
are two blocks down, on your right hand side.
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